Welcoming Ourselves Into Summer
This month we step out of Spring and into the highs of Summer!
One thing we humans often tend to forget is that we, in essence, are of nature.
As we contemplate nature, we tend to assume that the natural world is separate from us, different in creation and following a completely different timeline of evolution. Although all living beings within the natural world exist in manifestation of their own given purpose, what remains common between all is the cycles of evolution that we collectively flow through.
The Four Seasons of Our Cycle
Every year we step into a new cycle of our growth and evolution that we refer to as the ‘new year’. We think the cycle begins on January 1st but it actually begins with Spring and ends with Winter. Understanding the different phases of this cycle can come a long way in helping us better understand and make sense of the different states that we flow through throughout the year and through every given phase. We then not only are able to add meaning and make more sense of what we experience within us throughout the year but we are able to step into these cycles more consciously, aligning our intentions and actions accordingly.
Following the shredding of winter, spring marks the beginning of the new cycle. A time of rebirth for the natural world after having been dormant during winter.
During spring, temperatures begin to rise, the seeds that were planted in winter begin to grow, flowers begin to bloom, animals awaken from winter's hibernation and the days become longer.
Similarly, spring is when we humans step out of the hermiting phase of winter and when the seeds we've planted begin to reap. We find ourselves drawn to step out of winter's shadow and back out into the world, to act and bring the internal work that we've done during winter, out into the external world.
Questions that we can contemplate and reflect on during this phase:
What seeds do I wish to plant into my life?
What are my focus points / goals for this new cycle?
How can I achieve my goals? What steps do I need to take and how can I manage my time to make them realistically achievable? (This helps you set realistic steps to reaching your goals)
What are the lessons that I wish to take with me from the last cycle, into the new cycle?
As we step out of Spring and into Summer, we begin to reach the peak of nature's cycle where temperatures rise, trees fully revive their leaves, flowers bloom, fruits and crops flourish.
Similarly, during summer, our energy levels as humans rise to their peak. This is when we begin to reap the goods of the seeds we planted, when we are most on the move, acting, executing, creating. We will tend to feel most extroverted during summer and more eager to engage with the external and manifest into the physical.
To contemplate and reflect on during this phase:
During summer, it’s good to always check in with the self and ensure that our actions are in alignment with our highest intentions and goals. Since this is a dominating time for action and movement, our focus is primarily focused on the external, so we are prone to reflect less and take less time to pause and slow down. It’s still in our benefit to consciously find time to slow down and pause during summer and contemplate if there are any adjustments that need to be made, if our time could be better managed and to make sure we are on track.
During Autumn, temperatures start dropping, leaves begin to change color, daylights begin to grow shorter, animals begin to prepare for hibernation and trees begin to drop their seeds.
This is when we begin to come down from the high of summer, our energies begin to slowly drop as we and we begin to feel a little bit more withdrawn. After the rapid movement experienced in Summer, Autumn invites a more grounding sense of stillness which creates space for us to begin to slowly process and ground through the works of Summer.
To contemplate and reflect on during this phase:
A lot of us will tend to rush our inner work during Spring, almost forcing ourselves to integrate the lessons of summer and anchor in them but Autumn serves as almost a transitioning period, where we are given space that would allow the integrating and grounding to take place. This is when we can begin to slow down our pace and begin to slowly withdraw from the active month of summer.
During winter, temperatures drop, with less heat and light plants begin to slow down their growth and begin shredding their leaves and conserving their energies. Animals go into hibernation whilst others immigrate to warmer areas.
During winter, we human beings enter a state of hermitting, where we feel most withdrawn in comparison to other seasons. Our energies drop and we feel more keen to introvert, isolate and hibernate. Many of us experience what we call 'winter blues' which refer to the shift of the inner state that we experience from summer to winter.
During this time, distractions and stimuli are removed, giving us the space to turn inwards, to reflect, do shadow work and bring our cycle to a full circle. This is a time to declutter, release and prepare the bedding for the seeds of our new cycle to be planted
Questions that we can contemplate and reflect on during this phase:
What events / experiences / moments lingered with me most? What did I gain / learn from these events / experiences / moments?
What does no longer work for me that I would like to release? (These can include habits, limiting beliefs, values, relationships etc.)
What ways limited my flow or interrupted my path?
What ways worked to serve my highest potential that I would like to continue harnessing throughout the new cycle?
Taking the time to consciously integrate and align before we step into each phase of our cycle ensures that we make the most of what each phase comes to offer us as well as enables us to lead a more conscious life.